Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 29 of #DailyPieces365 A mixed Media painting encorporating paint stencils, doodling likejournaling and collage. I found an old paperback of my kids "The Reluctant Dragon (the basis of Pete's Dragon) and my mind just went with it. All my work is listed for sale on my etsy shop at
Day 27 Alcohol ink on glass Pines at the Foothills
Day 26 Hops Acrylic Painting

Day 25 of #DailyPieces365

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 24 of the #DailyPieces365 project Commtted to creating every day for 365 days All my artwork can be seen at

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Day 21 of #DailyPieces365. This is a textural landscape using modeling paste and acrylic done on a stretched canvas.

Day 20 of my committment to #DailyPieces365. We are getting more and more people joining this project. They are committing to doing all kinds of positive things daily. This is an acrylic painting. The underpainting is colorful patterns and is slightly visible under the white that creates the negative space. All of the pieces are for sale on my Etsy shop as well as other artwork I have created.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 19 of #DailyPieces365
DAy 18 of #DailyPieces365

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day17 of #DailyPieces365 Fly Over State of Mind

Day 15 of #DailyPieces365 Water Lilies
Day14 of #DailyPieces365 Rocky Coast

Day 16 of #DailyPieces365 Petrichor- The smell in the air after a long awaited rain. Complete with the electric changes caused in the atmoshere.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day 13 of #DailyPieces365 Chicken Scratch a 12"x12" acrylic on canvas. Can be purchased at my etsy shop bclelandart

Day 12 of #DailyPieces365

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Day 11 of #DailyPieces365
still has some deatils to be added. But I am happy woth the progress.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 10 - part of #DailyPieces365
Collage 12"x12" on canvas. Wonder Shells When I was little, before all dime store imports came from China; they came from Japan. We used to get these little clam shells that you put in a glass of water and miraculously the shell would open and a flower on a string would float out and up to the surface. Funny how the mind works. I remembered these half way through this piece (that at the time was going in a totally different direction). and smiled at the memory. Simple things.

Day 9 of my Daily creating. 11"x14" alcohol ink painting on canvas I will fear No Evil

Monday, January 8, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Day 7 of #dailpypieces365 11"x14" acrylic painting of Hoffmaster State Park. Winter Lake Michigan view.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

This is Day 6 of #dailypieces365 a project of committment to do what you love everyday for 365 days and to encourage others to do the same. This painting is alcohol ink on canvas. Alcohol ink has a mind of its own. You may have an idea of what you want to paint but it may have a completely different intent. Flexability and giving up a little control is key....big lessons for all of us but me especially. I like things the way I like them. Anyway. This is reminiscent of Pictured Rocks in Michigan. If you have never been there or heard of them, Google it. They are beautiful. Have a nice day and do what you love. Da
y 6 of #dailypieces365.

Friday, January 5, 2018


Starting this year I have committed along with others to choose to do what I love EVERY DAY as my New Years Resolution. The project is called #dailypieces365. I will be creating a piece of art every day for 365 consecutive days. My son is releasing songs every day along with a producer friend of his. Others are posting videos, doing physical excersie, writing, all kinds of things. We are all posting our progress on various platforms but all can be found using #dailypieces365. The point of the project is that by doing what you love you not only improve your own lives but by sharing, you can insire and improve the lives of others. don't have tme for the stuff you want to stop doing!! I will be posting each days piece here. Anyone can do this and anyone can join the project Just make a committment and post it with the hash tag #dailypieces365. We would love to see others join us. It doesn't matter that you didn't start January 1...You just need to continue for 365 days, and the choice has to be a positive one. All my #dailypieces365 pieces are for sale on my Etsy shop as well as other art I have created in the past. I hope you enjoy what I am doing but even more I hope you join us! Till tomorrow~Barb Here are the first 5 days of my work.